Seeing Red


Did you know you have a guardian spirit? And they have some ‘behind-the-scenes’ helper spirits too. Cos it’s a lot of work looking after you. Fuck, you’re annoying.

Your guardian spirit is of a spiritual level a little higher than you. So this means they can see into the future a bit, cos it’s like they’re on a hill, and you’re on the flat bit. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? So many many assumptions here …

Aaaanyway … it’s important to realise that your guardian spirit is arranging things for you. They go off and chat with other guardian spirits, get them to arrange for their humans to come to your new shop, arrange for you to get into that swanky college, stuff like that. And they make their plans happen by changing what you’re thinking and deciding to do. Let’s see what Mahikari’s first initiation course (Primary Kenshu) has to say:

No doubt you've all had experiences such as “I just happened to think of ...”, “I just noticed”, “I felt like” or “My hunch was right”. All this kind of thing is due to such arrangements [by guardian spirits].

So, amongst such cases where people think of something or expect something to happen, in fact there are many cases where the people are made to think or made to do these things.

If a person thinks that it's all because his brain is superior or because of his special ability, sooner or later he will fail.

[My emphasis added.]

The big takeaway here is that sometimes your thoughts and ideas are not your own. Your guardian spirit is making you think and do things 😐

Now, there are levels for these things. Naturally. Cos it’s not quite fucked up enough to take on board that your thoughts and actions aren’t always your own. Also, don’t go thinking that you’re clever.

If your guardian spirit is of a low level, like in hell, you won’t be able to escape living in poverty all your life. They can’t see very far into the future, there’s not a lot of nice hills for future-looking for guardian spirits suffering in hell. Maybe just frozen lakes. And they don’t give a shit.

Oh they’re going to miss the train, because there’s a gaping chasm in the footpath? Meh.

But if you have a high level guardian spirit, well, then you’re set! They can see 2 or even 3 years in advance, cos they’ve got a nice high hill to look into the future from. They can make sure you meet the right girl or boy. They can make sure you back the right horse, buy the right stocks, get the best deal.

So, how can we leverage this ‘spiritual truth’. Oh I know … how about this:

Furthermore, the degree of one's activities will differ depending on how high or low the rank is of the spiritual level of the guardian spirit.

Taking the physical world, it shows up as a broad range of acquaintances of the person.

Well, it's better to have a guardian spirit of a higher spiritual class protecting you. Then what is the relationship between a person and his guardian spirit? It is according to the principle of balance all the way.

That's why ultimately it is important to elevate one's spiritual level.

Translation: Do a lot of service for Mahikari 🙄 [My emphasis added to that last line. Cos fuck them.]

Now,  if a person becomes purified step by step by practising the Righteous Path directed towards God (Seihō Kamimuki) his spiritual level will  be elevated, and accordingly, his guardian spirit will  be elevated as well.

When the rise reaches a certain level  and the person's guardian spirit hasn't enough ability, the guardian spirit will change to one who is balanced with the spiritual level of the person.

A person in such a case is called a fortunate or a happy person.

So offer a lot of Divine Service to the cult. But even if you elevate, and help out your guardian spirit, at some point the poor bugger is going to be left at whatever their ‘maximum possible level’ is, and you get to swap up.

In psychology this is called mutation.

Is it, though? 🧐

I think we need some warnings now, to bring home the point and add a bit of fear indoctrination:

In the opposite case, if a person with a nice life in the physical world and who has a good guardian spirit, for instance, does all sorts of bad things, sooner or later the red [spiritual] part will go downwards and fall. Then somehow at some time God will change his guardian spirit to one whose sōnen [innermost attitude] is rather low.

In this way the power of your guardian spirit has an extremely important relationship with you, so it is essential to purify your spiritual condition both by purifying each other with Okiyome [Light] after receiving Mahikari Omitama [holy pendant], and by reversing your sōnen progressively.

Translation: Do a lot of service for Mahikari. And be scared 😐

Then, as a result you will rise in spiritual level and we are taught that there will be a change of the guardian spirit in balance with the spiritual level to which you have become elevated.

Translation: If things in your life get worse it is very much your fault, and it is evidence that you have been very very bad. Also, your thoughts and actions aren’t your own. So … your guardian spirit is making you do shit, but also at the same time your thoughts and actions can elevate them, or bring everything down. But, your thoughts and actions are being influenced by your guardian spirit. But you can do bad things and make their level go down, through your own thoughts and actions …

Have fun with that particular logical inconsistency. Confusion is what cults depend on. Just tell members it’s incredibly high level spiritual revelations that they might understand when they are ‘elevated enough’ (ie fucking never) 😒

All quotes from Primary Kenshu Textbook, Day 2, extracts from pp 56–58

Photo credit: Jovan Vasilevic, Unsplash

#sukyomahikari #mahikari #guardianspirit #fearindoctrination #cult

Mahikari members are called kamikumite (kah-mih-koo-mih-tay), which means 'hand-in-hand with God', or kumite for short (koo-mih-tay).

They are generally lovely people, but there's a barb in the tail. These folks are all about being helpful, and have been trained to look for the painful (ie vulnerable) areas of your life (are you lonely, unwell, poor, recently bereaved, recently unemployed, generally stressed and in a bad place? Wonderful.) They will target their message accordingly.

There are a few things that will identify a kumite in public. They almost always wear their special badge, called a goshinmon (goh-shin-monh). It looks like this, and is worn on the left side on the upper chest, near the shoulder:

Unless they're swimming or playing contact sports (including sexy times!), they will be wearing their omitama, the pendant that gives them God's protection and channels the 'Divine Light'. You won't be able to see it, because it's wrapped in lots of layers to keep it dry and safe, and it's pinned into a pocket in their underwear.

They wear a strong necklace chain that is long, and leads to the pocket inside their clothes (so it doesn't swing free outside of their clothes).

The most basic form of this chain is the simple ball chain. Depending on people's means, they may have fancier chains, but they will always be strong. No light delicate necklaces here. That omitama is more precious than your own life, so you'd better put it on a strong chain!

Anyone wearing a bra will usually have the omitama pocket inside their bra, either on the left (spiritual) side or centrally. Adults and kids (from age 10) who don't wear bras will always be wearing a singlet or undershirt of some sort. The omitama pocket is sewn into this garment, either in the centre of the chest, or on the left side.

Women are guided not to wear black, generally, and the usual religious exhortation about modest outfits.

So, the main visible things to look out for are the Mahikari badge, a long sturdy necklace tucked inside clothes, and people who always wear an undershirt.

Plus, they're always smiling, and nothing is bad. And they're really nice and helpful (which sucks, because they are usually genuinely lovely people on the whole, but misguided and victims who have become unwitting perpetrators).

And one of their hands is often cocked at an angle (surreptitiously giving Light whether you want it or not). If they offer to give you Light, politely decline. Or go on, be rude ...

#mahikari #sukyomahikari #omitama #kumite #cult #truelight #influence

Did you know that in the first 49 days after you’ve died, you can do anything you like and go anywhere you want in the world, just by thinking about it? On the 50th day, your arse is hauled off to your ‘training place’ in the astral world (probably some abyss, let’s be honest here). Yup, Mahikari knows the real deal.

So if in life, you hadn’t been able to get to the Main World Shrine (see this post), or got to the Dojo (Mahikari Centre) a whole lot, you could do that. All the time. For 49 days. Sounds like fun, huh?

And if you’d spent your physical life being a diligent kumite, attending Dojo, and ceremonies, and going to Suza, and doing all the Good Kumite Things, then after death you can do everything. Go to the movies for free because ha ha ha they can’t see you. Visit your family (they also can’t see you, maybe that's a plus?). Go to art galleries and Disney World, see dolphins swimming. Stay at the most luxurious tropical resort for free because ha ha ha they can't see you. Party hard. Zoom around the solar system. Fuck it (literally), visit a brothel while you’re at it.

They never explicitly said which category you should be in, but it was pretty fucking obvious. You should stop wanting those stupid worldly things like going on holidays, seeing your family, travelling, doing frivolous fun stuff, going to the movies, visiting art galleries, getting drunk and paying for kinky sex. Offer Divine Service now. Catch up and do that other stuff after you’ve died. Without the pain of actual travel or lost luggage or expensive flights!

Brilliant way to keep your slaves working hard, eh? Enjoy your life when you’re dead! Til then — offer more service. Cos you have to Save the World now. Have fun in the afterlife!

For 49 days, anyway ...

(Photo credits: Party: Michael Discenza on Unsplash Tropical resort: Photo by Daniel Klaffke on Unsplash Dancers: Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash)

#cult #SukyoMahikari #Mahikari #death #afterlife #mindcontrol